- {組織} : アメリカ州政府事務所協議会、アソア◆【略】ASOA◆【URL】http://www.asoajapan.org/jpn/
american state offices association 意味
- "american standard vocabulary for information processing" 意味
- "american standard wire gauge" 意味
- "american standards association" 意味
- "american standards committee" 意味
- "american standards of measurement" 意味
- "american statistical association" 意味
- "american steel wire gage" 意味
- "american stock exchange" 意味
- "american stores co." 意味
- "american standards committee" 意味
- "american standards of measurement" 意味
- "american statistical association" 意味
- "american steel wire gage" 意味